I launched a Basecamp project today. Nothing fancy, just a little project site for our company’s core values committee. Yes, we fall into the Ken Blanchard Managing by Values type corporation or at least we’re trying. Anyway I’m a sucker for trying to make things better over just complaining and besides the theme this year for our annual employee offsite was Teamwork.
So far the coolest feature is that Basecamp lists the people on the project by the last time they logged in so you can get a sense in real time if people are actually using it. They just tuck it away in the right column after you log in, but I really enjoy that feature. Anyway these things often end up not being used so much so we’ll see how this goes. Since the majority of the committee aren’t IT folks, I’ll be giving a 10 minute demo on how to use it. Seems a bit odd, but then I spend a lot of time using various web applications so much of it is second nature to me.
Anyway it’s free for a single project, so it’s a great way to try it out.