Spock Intro Tutorial

I gave a presentation on Spock a very nice BDD framework in Groovy a few months back to our Groovy Users Group in Sacramento. After using it on a real world Grails project the last few months it has grown on me to become my go to testing framework for Groovy/Grails or Java projects. A typical specification looks something like this:

 def "a pager should calculate total pages, current page, and offset"() {
  when: "count, rows and page number"
  def pager = new Pager(count, rows, page)

  then: "should return correct total pages, the current page, and the offset"
  pager.totalPages == totalPages
  pager.currentPage == currentPage
  pager.offset == offset

  where: "you have a number of different scenarios"
  count | rows | page | totalPages | currentPage | offset
  100   | 10   |   1  |    10      |     1       |   
  950   | 100  |   5  |    10      |     5       |   400
  72    | 20   |   3  |    4       |     3       |   40

If that passed your 5 second test take a look at a fuller introductory tutorial I put together.

A Gentle Introduction to Spock

And if you want to try out executing real code the project has a nice browser based environment at Meet Spock.