Chemo Underway

Only a few more treatments to go

This is going to be pretty short, becuase I forgot about the chemo side effects. I went into the ‘infusion center’ today and got shot up with:

  • Some prednisone (solamide?) like steriod
  • Saline
  • BP 16 (the E in RICE)
  • rituxin

On top of that I took a few pills, two tylenol and two benadrils. I had forgotten how much fun it all is. For the first five minutes I felt a little woozy as the saline got pumped in to my new little portocath. Then I pulled it together and worked on my two computers and read some technical books and a graphic novel. Only issue turned up about 2:00 when I got an itchy red scalp and they had to stop the rituxin and give me some more solamide to calm down the allergic reaction. So now I’m allergic to rituxin and compazine.

Anyway I’m tired, food tastes a little funny, and the low grade naseau is back already. But I got to kiss my daughters goodnite so things are still pretty good.